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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2003 FRQ Congressional Committee System

A1. Party representation on committees is an important element of the congressional committee system. It is defined as party control over committees when a new party majority (Democratic or Republican) is elected to the Congress.

A2. Party representation on committees influences the legislative process by taking over the legislative agenda. What was formerly important to the party out-of-power is now moot. The new party-in-power now controls what is important to them, thus making their bills most likely to be considered on the floor.

A3. Reciprocity/logrolling is an important element of the congressional committee system. It is defined as providing votes for a current bill with the expectation of votes on their favored bills in the future.

A4. Reciprocity/logrolling influences the legislative process by speeding up the voting process. It takes far less time to create a quid pro quo voting bargain than debating a bill based on its merits or faults.

B1. One way party leadership in Congress can influence the legislative process is through party discipline, or having one political party voting in favor or against a bill in a unified bloc.

B2. Party discipline can influence the legislative process by preventing certain legislation from reaching the president’s desk. For example the recent Republican’s “no tax pledge” has effectively caused major revisions in bills, stalled legislation, as well created an air of “no compromise” on the matter of the national debt.

B3. Another way party leadership in Congress can influence the legislative process is through their skillful use of the media.

B4. The legislative branch can use the media to their advantage and influence the legislative process by having the media focus special attention on an issue of national concern. With current budget negotiations and the issue of raising the debt ceiling, both parties used the media to amplify attention on their respective positions. With the threat of a government shutdown, the media compared the 2011 budget fight with that of 1996 when the budget actually did shut down. The public got more involved and as a result, this placed pressure on Congress to resolve their differences. Ultimately, a government compromise was reached, averting a shutdown.