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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sabato Quiz-Pages 390 to 397

Chapter 11.1 Pages 390 to 397

1) Which of the following best describes public opinion in the aftermath of the contested 2000
presidential election?
A) Americans overwhelmingly favored a recount.
B) Americans overwhelmingly believed that Gore was the rightful winner.
C) Americans overwhelmingly believed that the Electoral College system was fair.
D) Americans overwhelmingly believed the Bush would represent the interests of all
E) There were considerable partisan and racial differences in public opinion.

2) The process through which an individual acquires political beliefs and values is called
A) indoctrination.
B) political socialization.
C) values acquiescence.
D) public opinion.
E) social capital.

3) Children who grow up in Republican households are most likely to identify themselves as
A) Republicans.
B) Democrats.
C) Libertarians.
D) Liberals.
E) Socialists.

4) First year college students are most likely to consider themselves
A) far left.
B) liberal.
C) middle of the road.
D) conservative.
E) far right.

5) Which of the following best summarizes political socialization through formal education?
A) Elementary schools focus on civil responsibility, high schools focus on conservative
values, and colleges instill liberal doctrine.
B) Elementary schools focus on civic engagement; high schools focus on patriotism; and
colleges preach anti-Americanism.
C) Elementary schools focus on critical analyses of politics; high schools focus on factual
knowledge about government; and colleges focus on international politics.
D) Elementary schools focus on patriotism, high schools focus on civic responsibility, and
colleges encourage critical analyses of politics.
E) Elementary schools focus on respect for the president; high schools focus on respect for
Congress; and colleges focus on respect for the judiciary.

6) Those who are critical of the effectiveness of contemporary civic education point to
A) low skepticism in government.
B) low voter turnout.
C) low recidivism rates.
D) high political efficacy.
E) large amounts of social capital.

7) The number of Americans getting campaign information from ________ has increased.
A) newspapers
B) newsweeklies
C) network news broadcasts
D) National Public Radio
E) late-night comedy programs

8) All of the following are conservative faith-based political groups or individuals EXCEPT
A) the Moral Majority.
B) Focus on the Family.
C) Andrew Young.
D) Jerry Falwell.
E) Pat Robertson.

9) Who is most likely to vote Republican?
A) Jews
B) Catholics
C) women
D) Hispanics
E) regular church-goers

10) Which of the following groups is the most politically conservative?
A) Catholics
B) evangelical Protestants
C) non-evangelical Protestants
D) Muslims
E) Jews

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Welcome to the Blog!

Dear Class,

Welcome to the APGOPO Blog. Please do the following:

(1) Introduce yourself (include your name and period)
(2) Explain why you have signed up for APGOPO this year
(3) Explain what you hope to "carry away" from this class by the end of the year
(4) Explain what you think the most important challenge facing our government today is (just a brief summary is okay)
(4) Include your email address in the blog

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Entitlement FRQ

Federal Entitlements Explained

Sabato 6.1-Civil Rights Pages 197 to 201

1) Which of the following best describes the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice?
A) It is not subject to political influences.
B) Evidence points to considerable politicization of the division.
C) It is constitutionally prohibited from enforcing the Voting Rights Act.
D) It is constitutionally prohibited from enforcing the Civil Rights Act.
E) It has recently beefed up prosecutions for race and gender discrimination.

2) Where does the Constitution discuss equality?
A) the Preamble
B) Article I, section 8
C) the First Amendment
D) the Tenth Amendment
E) the Fourteenth Amendment

3) Why did northern senators initially oppose adding Missouri to the union?
A) Missouri had fought along side the Confederacy during the Civil War.
B) Missouri would be a slave state.
C) Missouri would be a free state.
D) The Missouri Constitution did not include civil liberties protections.
E) Adding Missouri would violate a treaty the United States had signed with various Indian

4) What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?
A) to prohibit the expansion of slavery into any new states admitted to the union
B) to maintain the current balance of slave and free states
C) to quell civil unrest resulting from Shaysʹs Rebellion
D) to guarantee women the right to vote while denying the right to vote to slaves
E) to enhance the civil rights of noncitizens

5) Abolitionists worked towards
A) ending slavery.
B) abolishing suffrage limits for women.
C) guaranteeing the continued existence of slavery in any new state added to the union.
D) the emancipation of women.
E) repealing the Civil War Amendments.

6) What was the primary agenda at the Seneca Falls Convention?
A) abolition of slavery
B) guaranteeing the continued existence of slavery
C) abolition of womenʹs suffrage
D) equal rights for men and women
E) promotion of de jure discrimination

7) What was Uncle Tomʹs Cabin about?
A) the need for westward expansion
B) manifest destiny
C) womenʹs rights
D) school bussing
E) slavery

8) In Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
A) slaves were U.S. citizens.
B) slavery was prohibited north of a set geographical boundary.
C) the Missouri compromise was unconstitutional.
D) women were U.S. citizens but did not have the right to vote.
E) women were not U.S. citizens and, therefore, did not have the right to vote.

9) The Emancipation Proclamation
A) freed all slaves.
B) freed all slaves in the North.
C) freed all slaves in the Confederacy.
D) limited the ownership of slaves in the North.
E) limited the ownership of slaves in the territories.

10) Slavery was banned by the ________ Amendment.
A) Twelfth
B) Thirteenth
C) Fourteenth
D) Fifteenth
E) Nineteenth

6.2 Pages 201 to 208

1) What were Black Codes?
A) laws passed in northern states to guarantee rights to newly freed blacks
B) laws passed in southern states that denied legal rights to newly freed slaves
C) restrictions placed on the right of newly freed slaves to own property in the North
D) Supreme Court decisions that mandated separate but equal facilities for newly freed
E) unsuccessful attempts by northern states to recruit newly freed blacks to work in
northern factories

2) The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments are collectively known as the
A) civil liberties amendments.
B) Bill of Rights.
C) Natural Law Legislation.
D) Civil War Amendments.
E) Bill of Liberties.

3) What was the original purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment?
A) to guarantee citizenship to newly freed slaves
B) to ensure that the state governments abided by the Bill of Rights
C) to reward the South for its efforts during Reconstruction
D) to deny the right to vote to former slaves
E) to protect the interests of slave-holding northerners

4) Laws enacted by southern states that resulted in segregation by race were also known as
A) Jim Crow laws.
B) Black Codes.
C) grandfather clauses.
D) freedmen statutes.
E) sharecropper statutes.

5) In the Civil Rights Cases (1883), the Supreme Court determined that
A) the national government can discriminate on the basis of race.
B) state governments can discriminate on the basis of race.
C) private citizens can discriminate on the basis of race.
D) all forms of discrimination based on race are unconstitutional.
E) all forms of discrimination are unconstitutional.

6) Which of the following best summaries the reaction in the South to the Fifteenth Amendment?
A) Southern states complied with both the letter and the spirit of the amendment.
B) Southern states used Jim Crow laws to enforce racial integration.
C) Southern states engaged in a massive get-out-the-vote effort among former slaves.
D) Southern states decided that it would be better to close all public schools than to admit
black students to otherwise white schools.
E) Southern states found creative ways to avoid enfranchising blacks, such as literacy tests
and grandfather clauses.

7) In ________, the Supreme Court found that segregated rail transportation was constitutional
because separate but equal accommodations did not violate the equal protection clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment.
A) the Civil Rights cases
B) the Slaughterhouse cases
C) Plessy v. Ferguson
D) Bradwell v. Illinois
E) Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District

8) In the years after the Supreme Courtʹs decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, public accommodations in
the South were largely
A) segregated and equal.
B) segregated and unequal.
C) integrated and equal.
D) integrated and unequal.
E) separate and equal.

9) Womenʹs suffrage was guaranteed by the ________ Amendment.
A) Fourteenth
B) Fifteenth
C) Nineteenth
D) Twenty-first
E) Twenty-second

10) What sort of strategy did the NAACP pursue in its efforts to ensure equality for African
Americans by overturning Jim Crow laws and Plessy v. Ferguson?
A) a legislation strategy at the local level
B) a legislation strategy at the state level
C) a litigation strategy at the state level
D) a legislation strategy at the federal level
E) a litigation strategy at the federal level

Chapter 6.3 Pages 208 to 213

1) The NAACPʹs first target in its efforts to overturn Jim Crow laws and Plessy v. Ferguson was
segregation in
A) restaurants.
B) vocational schools.
C) professional and graduate schools.
D) transportation.
E) the workforce.

2) American citizens who are members of which of the following groups are not currently
guaranteed the right to vote?
A) the physically disabled
B) Hispanics
C) twenty-year-olds
D) convicted felons
E) Everyone listed above is constitutionally guaranteed the right to vote.

3) The 1954 Supreme Court decision that overturned Plessy was
A) the Sweatt case.
B) Missouri v. Gaines.
C) McLaurin v. Oklahoma.
D) Brown v. Board of Education.
E) Cooper v. Aaron.

4) In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court determined that
A) schools must ensure a racial mix equal to that of the surrounding community.
B) the doctrine of ʺseparate but equalʺ has no place in public education.
C) Curt Muller could attend the University of Oklahoma and sit in the classroom with the
rest of the students.
D) school bussing is patently unconstitutional.
E) African American children could attend any school they wanted to.

5) What was the immediate response of the South to the Supreme Courtʹs decision in Brown v.
Board of Education?
A) The South immediately complied with the spirit of the Court decision because they were
eager to put the whole affair behind them.
B) The South erupted in jubilation due to their victory at the Supreme Court.
C) The South reluctantly complied with the Courtʹs mandate, although they complained
about it relentlessly.
D) The South did everything within its power to avoid implementing the Courtʹs decision.
E) The South complied with both the letter and the spirit of the Supreme Courtʹs decision.

6) In 1955, the Montgomery bus boycott began with the intent of ending segregation on public
transport. Who acted as a catalyst for the boycott by refusing to give up her seat on the bus to
a white passenger?
A) Rosa Parks
B) Linda Brown
C) W.E.B. DuBois
D) Susan B. Anthony
E) Elizabeth Cady Stanton

7) What was the new strategy for expanding African-American civil rights that was first
employed in the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
A) legislation
B) litigation
C) nonviolent protest
D) civil unrest
E) extraordinary renditions

8) Who was a leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the head of the Montgomery
Improvement Association?
A) Martin Luther King, Jr.
B) Seneca Falls
C) Rosa Parks
D) Linda Brown
E) Malcolm X

9) Attempts to focus attention on segregated bus facilities in the South were known as
A) sit-ins.
B) love-fests.
C) tickets to ride.
D) the Equality Express.
E) freedom rides.

10) In August 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. led a huge march on Washington that culminated in
A) the arrest of thousands of marchers by the D.C. police.
B) the brutal beatings of African Americans by D.C. residents.
C) Kingʹs ʺI Have a Dreamʺ speech.
D) the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
E) wide scale rioting in black neighborhoods around the country.