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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sabato Quiz #2 on Media

Hello Class,

This quiz corresponds to reading pages: 553-563:

Sabato Media Quiz #2

1) People who use the Internet for news tend
A) not to subscribe to newspapers.
B) to disregard traditional media sources.
C) to be highly informed voters who use the Web to update their information.
D) to have blue collar jobs.
E) to be Republicans.

2) Which of the following accurately describes al-Jazeera?
A) It is modeled after CNN.
B) It is uniformly praised throughout the Middle East.
C) It mainly provides entertainment programs.
D) Most of its news is simply government propaganda.
E) All of the above.

3) Which of the following newspapers has the least influence over what stories are covered by
the television news media?
A) the Wall Street Journal
B) USA Today
C) Washington Post
D) New York Times
E) Houston Chronicle

4) Which of the following is a wire service that distributes stories to newspapers around the
A) the New York Times
B) the Christian Science Monitor
C) al-Jazeera
D) the Associated Press
E) the BBC

5) Which of the following trends accurately describes the media in the United States?
A) The number of towns with competing local newspapers has increased.
B) Television networks are increasingly breaking with their parent companies to become
C) Newspapers are being bought by local governments to ensure that news coverage is
driven by journalist standards instead of corporate profits.
D) Media consolidation has increased in recent years.
E) Americans are consuming more political news than ever before.

6) What is narrowcasting?
A) the tendency of the media to frame political events using well-established stereotypes
B) the tendency for the media to focus on domestic events rather than international events
C) the increasing reliance of the media on political pundits
D) the targeting of media programs at specific segments of the population
E) political coverage that is superficial
Answer: D7) Republican viewersʹ main source of campaign news is
A) Fox News
D) the Daily Show

8) How does narrowcasting further polarize public opinion?
A) Viewers tend to watch news that reinforces their preexisting views.
B) Narrowcasting focuses on government corruption and political misdeeds.
C) Viewers are exposed to a range of information covering divergent views.
D) Narrowcasting encourages voters to reject the status quo and to support change.
E) Narrowcasting has resulted in fewer news outlets and, therefore, less diverse political

9) Why are the broadcast media more strictly regulated than the print media?
A) The broadcast media has a long history of political malfeasance.
B) The broadcast media leases public airwaves.
C) The airwaves are an unlimited resource, but there can only be one newspaper in a city.
D) Children are exposed to television but donʹt have access to newspapers.
E) The broadcast media is more dangerous because pictures are more powerful than words.

10) The equal time rule requires that the electronic media
A) cover both liberal and conservative positions on a given issue.
B) cover both Democratic and Republican positions on a given issue.
C) sell advertising time to all candidates if they sell it to any candidate.
D) include all presidential candidates in any political debates they host.
E) devote the same coverage to domestic and to international events.