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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sabato 6.1-Civil Rights Pages 197 to 201

1) Which of the following best describes the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice?
A) It is not subject to political influences.
B) Evidence points to considerable politicization of the division.
C) It is constitutionally prohibited from enforcing the Voting Rights Act.
D) It is constitutionally prohibited from enforcing the Civil Rights Act.
E) It has recently beefed up prosecutions for race and gender discrimination.

2) Where does the Constitution discuss equality?
A) the Preamble
B) Article I, section 8
C) the First Amendment
D) the Tenth Amendment
E) the Fourteenth Amendment

3) Why did northern senators initially oppose adding Missouri to the union?
A) Missouri had fought along side the Confederacy during the Civil War.
B) Missouri would be a slave state.
C) Missouri would be a free state.
D) The Missouri Constitution did not include civil liberties protections.
E) Adding Missouri would violate a treaty the United States had signed with various Indian

4) What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?
A) to prohibit the expansion of slavery into any new states admitted to the union
B) to maintain the current balance of slave and free states
C) to quell civil unrest resulting from Shaysʹs Rebellion
D) to guarantee women the right to vote while denying the right to vote to slaves
E) to enhance the civil rights of noncitizens

5) Abolitionists worked towards
A) ending slavery.
B) abolishing suffrage limits for women.
C) guaranteeing the continued existence of slavery in any new state added to the union.
D) the emancipation of women.
E) repealing the Civil War Amendments.

6) What was the primary agenda at the Seneca Falls Convention?
A) abolition of slavery
B) guaranteeing the continued existence of slavery
C) abolition of womenʹs suffrage
D) equal rights for men and women
E) promotion of de jure discrimination

7) What was Uncle Tomʹs Cabin about?
A) the need for westward expansion
B) manifest destiny
C) womenʹs rights
D) school bussing
E) slavery

8) In Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
A) slaves were U.S. citizens.
B) slavery was prohibited north of a set geographical boundary.
C) the Missouri compromise was unconstitutional.
D) women were U.S. citizens but did not have the right to vote.
E) women were not U.S. citizens and, therefore, did not have the right to vote.

9) The Emancipation Proclamation
A) freed all slaves.
B) freed all slaves in the North.
C) freed all slaves in the Confederacy.
D) limited the ownership of slaves in the North.
E) limited the ownership of slaves in the territories.

10) Slavery was banned by the ________ Amendment.
A) Twelfth
B) Thirteenth
C) Fourteenth
D) Fifteenth
E) Nineteenth

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