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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chapter 12.3 Pages 434 to 440

1) Who ran under the Reform Party?
A) Ross Perot
B) Jesse Ventura
C) Pat Buchanan
D) All of the above.
E) None of the above.

2) What is the most important function of national party chair?
A) to draft the platform
B) to raise money
C) to recruit candidates
D) to organize workshops for party volunteers
E) to distribute patronage

3) Every four years the parties nominate a presidential candidate through a
A) party platform.
B) smoke-filled-room procedure.
C) national convention.
D) conference committee.
E) national nominating committee.

4) The smallest unit of the party organization is
A) the county.
B) the district.
C) the region.
D) the state.
E) the precinct.

5) Organizations created to circumvent the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act that can receive
unlimited campaign donations are called
A) cluster clucks.
B) money grinders.
C) BCRAnaires.
D) dolezzas.
E) 527 groups.

6) Think tanks influence
A) party positions.
B) campaign funding.
C) congressional reformation.
D) social capital.
E) secular realignments.

7) Which of the following think tanks is more scholarly and less partisan?
A) the American Enterprise Institute
B) the Heritage Foundation
C) the Cato Institute
D) the Brookings Institution
E) the Open Society Institute

8) Which of the following was virtually unregulated?
A) soft money
B) hard money
C) campaign contributions to a political party
D) campaign contributions to a candidate
E) campaign contributions to a political action committee

9) Which of the following most accurately describes fundraising in the 2006 midterm elections?
A) Democrats raised nearly $100 million more than Republicans raised.
B) Republicans raised nearly $100 million more than Democrats raised.
C) Democrats and Republicans raised nearly equal amounts of money.
D) Democrats raised about half as much money as Republicans raised.
E) Republicans raised more money than the Democrats because Republicans accepted soft
money while Democrats did not.

10) Howard Dean revolutionized the use of
A) the plum book for rewarding patronage.
B) the Internet for raising campaign money.
C) the ʺMain Streetʺ Internet site.
D) soft money.
E) EMILYʹs List.

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