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Sunday, August 28, 2011

For Monday's Homework; Read Sabato 470-78 AND Read Article Below and Post Your Answers in the Blog and turn in Word Copy for Packet

September 30, 2009-NY Times
Where Did ‘We’ Go?

I hate to write about this, but I have actually been to this play before and it is really disturbing. (1)

I was in Israel interviewing Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin just before he was assassinated in 1995. We had a beer in his office. He needed one. I remember the ugly mood in Israel then — a mood in which extreme right-wing settlers and politicians were doing all they could to delegitimize Rabin, who was committed to trading land for peace as part of the Oslo accords. They questioned his authority. They accused him of treason. They created pictures depicting him as a Nazi SS officer, and they shouted death threats at rallies. His political opponents winked at it all. (2)

And in so doing they created a poisonous political environment that was interpreted by one right-wing Jewish nationalist as a license to kill Rabin — he must have heard, “God will be on your side” — and so he did. (3)

Others have already remarked on this analogy, but I want to add my voice because the parallels to Israel then and America today turn my stomach: I have no problem with any of the substantive criticism of President Obama from the right or left. But something very dangerous is happening. Criticism from the far right has begun tipping over into delegitimation and creating the same kind of climate here that existed in Israel on the eve of the Rabin assassination. (4)

What kind of madness is it that someone would create a poll on Facebook asking respondents, “Should Obama be killed?” The choices were: “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.” The Secret Service is now investigating. I hope they put the jerk in jail and throw away the key because this is exactly what was being done to Rabin. Even if you are not worried that someone might draw from these vitriolic attacks a license to try to hurt the president, you have to be worried about what is happening to American politics more broadly. (5)

Our leaders, even the president, can no longer utter the word “we” with a straight face. There is no more “we” in American politics at a time when “we” have these huge problems — the deficit, the recession, health care, climate change and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — that “we” can only manage, let alone fix, if there is a collective “we” at work. (6)

Sometimes I wonder whether George H.W. Bush, president “41,” will be remembered as our last “legitimate” president. The right impeached Bill Clinton and hounded him from Day 1 with the bogus Whitewater “scandal.” George W. Bush was elected under a cloud because of the Florida voting mess, and his critics on the left never let him forget it. (7)

And Mr. Obama is now having his legitimacy attacked by a concerted campaign from the right fringe. They are using everything from smears that he is a closet “socialist” to calling him a “liar” in the middle of a joint session of Congress to fabricating doubts about his birth in America and whether he is even a citizen. And these attacks are not just coming from the fringe. Now they come from Lou Dobbs on CNN and from members of the House of Representatives. (8)

Again, hack away at the man’s policies and even his character all you want. I know politics is a tough business. But if we destroy the legitimacy of another president to lead or to pull the country together for what most Americans want most right now — nation-building at home — we are in serious trouble. We can’t go 24 years without a legitimate president — not without being swamped by the problems that we will end up postponing because we can’t address them rationally. (9)

The American political system was, as the saying goes, “designed by geniuses so it could be run by idiots.” But a cocktail of political and technological trends have converged in the last decade that are making it possible for the idiots of all political stripes to overwhelm and paralyze the genius of our system. (10)

Those factors are: the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates, adding new checks on the establishment, and at its worst coarsens our debates to a whole new level, giving a new power to anonymous slanderers to send lies around the world. Finally, on top of it all, we now have a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship, all the time among our leading politicians. (11)

I would argue that together these changes add up to a difference of degree that is a difference in kind — a different kind of American political scene that makes me wonder whether we can seriously discuss serious issues any longer and make decisions on the basis of the national interest. (12)

We can’t change this overnight, but what we can change, and must change, is people crossing the line between criticizing the president and tacitly encouraging the unthinkable and the unforgivable. (13)


1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin? (1,2)

2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’? (4)

3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?(5)

4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” (6)

5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?

6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?(12)


  1. Is this due Monday or Tuesday?

  2. Adilene Rodriguez Mendoza

    1)In 1995 the right-wing settlers and politicians were questioning Rabin's authority, accussing him of treason, delegitimizing him. Sadly, Rabin was assassinated.

    2)The author believes that very similar events to those that occured to Rabin are beginning to happen to Obama, and thus he fears for Obama's safety. By "delegitimation" he's implying that all of Obama's beliefs and ideas are starting to not be taken seriously, because of all the criticism from the far right.

    3)The poll questioned on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” And the choices were: “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.”

    4)What the author is trying to get across when he states that "there is no more "we" in our American Politics" is that when huge issues come about the whole "we" crumbles, because people just start pointing fingers, and thus we can only manage the problems.

    5)According to the author the 5 problems in our system are the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.

    6)I agree with the author contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene'.

  3. Briana Garcia
    period 3

    Article Questions

    1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin? (1, 2)
    - In 1995 the right-wing settlers and politicians were questioning Rabin's authority, accusing him of treason, delegitimizing him, created pictures depicting him as a Nazi SS officer, and they shouted death threats at rallies. Rabin was assassinated.

    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’? (4)
    - The author believes that very similar events that occurred to Rabin are beginning to happen to Obama, and fears for Obama's safety. By "delegitimation," he's implying that all of Obama's beliefs and ideas are starting to not be taken seriously because of all the criticism from the far right.

    3. What was the poll question placed on Face book? (5)
    - The poll questioned on Face book was “Should Obama be killed?” And the choices were: “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.”

    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” (6)
    - What the author means when he says, ”there is no more ”we”,” in American politics is that when big issues come around the word "we" crumbles because people start pointing at people And don’t take full responsibility or look after one another anymore.

    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    - According to the author, the five problems in our system are the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’? (12
    - I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene.’

  4. Valerie Amoin
    Period 2

    1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin? (1,2)
    In 1995, extreme right-wing settlers and politicians questioned Rabin’s authority, accused him of treason, made pictures of him as a Nazi SS officer, and shouted death threats at his rallies. They did all they could to delegitimize Rabin, who ended up being assassinated.

    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’? (4)
    The author is saying that what happening to Obama is very similar to what happened to Rabin back in 1995. Criticism from the far right has started to turn into delegitimation creating the same climate of the eve of Rabin’s assasination.
    When the author says “delegitimation” he means that Obama’s truthfulness is being questioned and discredited.

    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?(5)
    The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” and the choiced were no, maybe, yes, and yes if he cuts my health care.

    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” (6)
    When the author says “there is no more ‘we’ in American politics” he means that in politics people are no longer united and we can no longer get things done together because we are so disunited. We can barely manage no, let along fix.

    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    According to the author, the five problems in our system are the wild excess of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes politics a big war zone, a blogosphere that gives a new power to anonymous slanderers to send lies around the world, and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?(12)
    I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a different kind of political scene. The political scene is definitely different now than it was in the past years. We can’t seem to agree on anything and have such closed minds that no one can reach a compromise.

  5. Oscar Mendez
    Period 2

    1 In 1995, the events occurring in Israel with the Rabin Administration were right-wing settlers and politicians questioning Rabin’s authority, accusing him of treason, making pictures of him as a Nazi SS officer, and shouting death threats at his rallies. Rabin was assasinated.

    2.The author is saying that what's happening to Obama is very similar to what happened to Rabin.By "delegitimation," he's implying that all of Obama's beliefs and ideas are starting to not be taken seriously because of all the criticism from the far right.
    3.The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?”
    4.What the author means when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” is that our politics are not coming to compromises anymore. We can't seem to come to any agreements and seem to blame each other

    5.The five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11 are the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.
    6.I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’.

  6. Maria Calleja
    P. 3

    1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin? (1,2) The Rabin administration was being questioned by other politicians who were doing all they could to delegitimize Rabin. Rabin was then assassinated in 1995.

    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’? (4) The author is saying that Obama has been having some similar events that happened to Rabin now that he has had a lot of criticism from the far right which has created the same kind of climate that existed in Israel. What he means by delegitimation is that people are questioning his ideas.

    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?(5)
    “Should Obama be killed?” The choices were: “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.”

    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” (6)
    What the author means is that when a problem comes up no one wants to take responsibility of the situation and start blaming others.

    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    The five problems with our system according to the author are the excess of money in politics, gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently republican or democratic, 24/7 cable news cycle, and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?(12)
    I would agree with the authors contention that we live in a different kind of political scene because a lot of thing have changed

  7. Miguel Alfaro

    1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin? In 1995 the right-wing settlers and politicians were Rabin’s authority accusing him of treason, and shouting death threats at rallies. Rabin was assassinated.

    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’? The author saying that what is happening to Obama is the same kind of climate that existed in Israel that occurred to Rabin. Delegitimation means and apply on Obama’s beliefs and ideas are staring to not taken seriously of all criticism of the rights.

    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook? The poll question placed on Facebook was “should Obama be killed”.

    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” What the author is trying to say with “there is no more “we” in American politics is that every person on America politics is working just for their own goods and don’t care what happen to others.

    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11? The five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11 are: the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or democratic and erasing the political middle, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking, and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’? I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene.

  8. Janie Contreras
    Period 2

    1)In 1995 extreme right -wing settlers and politicians delegitmized Rabin by saying that he was untrustworthy and questioned his authority. They also accused him of treason and depicted pictures of him as Nazi SS Officer. Lastly, they also shouted death threats at him during rallies. At the end Rabin did end up assassinated.
    2)The author is saying that similar events that happened to Rabin are happening to Obama. Many of the far right are threatening Obama just like they did before Rabin was assassinated,therefore the author fears Obama's safety. I believe the author uses the word 'delegitimation' because it demonstrates what is happening to Obama recently. Many people call him socialist and a liar not just from the public but from influential people such as Lou Hobbs on CNN and from members of the House of Representatives sending a negative image of him. They are also tagging him as untrustworthy and questioning his citizenship.
    3)The poll question placed on facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” and the choices were no, maybe, yes, and yes if he cuts my health care. The secret service is investigating who made up this question because even if it is a joke,it can't be taken lightly after what happened to Rabin.
    4)When the author says “there is no more ‘we’ in American politics” he means that since we are facing huge issues people instead blame others and do not try to unite to solve them. This makes it harder for politics because no agreement can be drawn for any decision.
    5)The 5 problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11 are the wild excess of money in politics,the gerrymandering of political districts,a 24/7 cable news that creates political arguments and makes a daily battle of tactics,a blogosphere that gives a new power to anonymous slanderers to send lies around the world, and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship.
    6)I would agree with the author's contention that we live in a 'different kind of political scene' because now people have different ways on influencing the public directly such as facebook or other sorts of media that are accessible. Also people tend to not listen to what others have to say since we have a divided government and no one seems to compromise.

  9. My name is Guillermo Gutierrez. I am from period 2.
    1) The 1995 Rabin Administration was hounded by opponents who tried to have him seen as a traitor, so he would be killed.
    2) Currently Obama is receiving extensive criticism from the far-right, which is trying to delegitimize him, which is to say that they are trying to make him look bad.
    3) The poll question was: “Should Obama be killed?”
    4) The author says that there is no more “we” because of how the American population is unwilling to work together and prefers to play the blame game.
    5) Five factors negatively affecting America today are: an excess of money, gerrymandering of political parties, a 24/7 cable news which turns politics into a battle of tactics, a blogosphere that makes it too easy for anonymous slanderers to ruin serious discussions, and a presidential campaign that encourages constant partisanship.
    6) I agree with the statement that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’. Today people with nothing of worth to say have the means to spread their ignorance throughout the world via the internet.

  10. Monica Guzman Marquez
    Period 3
    1) They were questioning Rabin's authority and he was assassinated.
    2) The author believes that the things that happened to Rabin are going to happen to Obama.
    Delegitimation in this case means that they are not taking Obama's ideas seriously.
    3)The poll questioned on Face book was “Should Obama be killed?” And the choices were: “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.”
    4) When he says “there is no more “we” in American politics" he means that they can't work together.
    5) The 5 problems in our system are the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.
    6)I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene.

  11. Alejandra Saldaña
    Period 3

    1. During the Rabin Administration in 1995, the right-wing settlers and politicians questioned Rabin’s authority, they wanted to delegitimize him , accused him of treason, began making pictures of him as a Nazi SS officer, and shouting death threats at his rallies. Rabin was later assassinated.

    2. I believe that the author is making a similar reference to what is happening to Obama to what happened to Rabin in 1995. The author uses "delegitimation," which he implies that Obama’s ideas and beliefs are beginning to not be taken seriously because of all the criticism of the far right. What the author means by “delegitimation” is that people are questioning Obama’s ideas.

    3. The poll question that was posted on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” The choices were no, yes, maybe, and yes if he cuts my health care.

    4. When the author says “there is no more ‘we’ in American politics” he means that our politics no longer compromise in any of the big issues because they are so distant from each others which means that nothing is getting done. So we tend to blame others when things don’t go as planned.

    5. According to the author the five problems in our system are the wild excess of money in politics, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle, a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates, and the gerrymandering of political districts.

    6. I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’ because our political scene now is very different from the one that existed many years ago since now people are so distant from each other that they can’t agree in anything.

  12. Victoria Lopez
    Period 2

    “Where did ‘We’ Go?” Article

    1. Everyone was trying to make Rabin look bad. He was committed to trading the land for peace as part of the Oslo accords. People questioned his authority and accused him of treason. They also created pictures of him as a Nazi and shouted death threats at him. Rabin was assassinated in 1995.
    2. The author is saying that Obama is being treated the same way Rabin was before he was assassinated in 1995. When he says ‘delegitimation’ the author is talking about the way people are trying to make Obama look like he isn’t fit to be the president. His beliefs and ideals are no longer being taken seriously by the people he is supposed to lead.
    3. The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama Be Killed?” and the choices were Yes, No, Yes if he cuts my health care.
    4. When the author says, “There is no more ‘we’ in American politics” he means that once big issues come to people’s attention, ‘we’ can no longer fix them because people become separated. There is no union and people just end up blaming others instead of trying to fix the problems.
    5. According to the author, the five problems with our system are the wild express of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, the 24/7 cable news cycle, a blogosphere that at best enriches our debates, and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship, all the time among our leading politicians.
    6. I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a different kind of political scene because there has definitely been a change in politics through the years. People are unable to agree on any of the things in politics today and that just leads to no action being taken.

  13. David Zamarripa
    Period 2

    1) In 1995, the extreme right-wing settlers and politicians did everything they could to delegitimize Robin. They accused him of treason, questioned his authority, they shouted death threats at his rallies and even created images depicting Robin as a Nazi SS Officer. Unfortunately Robin was assassinated.

    2) The author believes that what occurred to Robin back in 1995 is reoccurring in Obama’s presidency. The people from the far right have been criticizing Obama’s motives just like the right-wing threatened Robin before his assassination. By using the word “Delegitimation” the author is implying that Obama’s authority has been diminishing in the eyes of several Americans. His ideas and issues have not been taken seriously by the public thus questioning his presidency.

    3) The poll question that was posted on Facebook was “ Should Obama be killed?” The answer choices to this question was Yes, No, Maybe, and Yes if he cuts my health insurance.

    4) When the author says “there is no more ‘we’ in American Politics” he is stating that when it comes to politics, people can never come to an agreement on a certain issue. They cannot say “no” and or manage the issue at hand let alone fix it.

    5) According to the author, the five problem to our system are the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; a blogsphere that gives a new power to anonymous slanders to send lies around the world; and the biggest of all, a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship.

    6) I would agree with the author’s contention that “ we live in a different kind of political scene”. The issues with politics never seem to be resolved as quickly as one would like. Especially since people tend to be narrow minded about certain issues and end the debate in a stalemate.

  14. Jaime Campos

    1. In Israel in 1995 in the Rabin Administration right-wing settlers and politicians were questioning Rabin’s authority, accusing him of treason, making pictures of him as a Nazi SS officer, and shouting death threats at his rallies. Rabin was assassinated.

    2.The author is saying that Obama is now having his legitimacy attacked by a concerted campaign from the right fringe. By “delegitimation” the author means that someone’s image or reputation in this case the president’s is being targeted.

    3. The poll question placed on Face book was “Should Obama be killed?”

    4.What the author means when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics” is that the American government is not capable of agreeing on anything anymore, everything is about one’s desires in politics nowadays instead of what the majority wants.

    5.The five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11 are: the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking, a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship all the time among our leading politicians, and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.

    6.I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a “different kind of political scene,” one were not even the president is respected or followed by a majority.

  15. Luis Martinez
    Period 3

    1. Extreme right wing settlers and politicians accused him of treason, questioned his authority and then was assasinated.

    2. That similar things that happened to Rabin are happening to Obama.

    3. The question was "Should Obama be killed?"

    4. The author means that when there are huge problems to solve there is no more we

    5. The five problems with our system are the wild excess of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere

    6. I agree with the author that with the author’s contention that we live in a different kind of political scene.

  16. Miguel Tapia
    period: 3
    1. In 1995, the Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. Extreme right wing settlers and politicians were doing everything to delegitimize him. There were pictured of him describing him as a Nazi SS officer. Many of the people would also shout death threats at rallies.
    2. The author believes that the same thing that happened to Rabin will happen to Obama. He fears that the president’s safety is at risk. What he means by saying “delegitimation” is that President Obama’s beliefs are not being taken seriously and are being questioned.
    3. The poll question posted on Facebook was, “Should Obama be killed?” the choices were, “no, maybe, yes, and yes if he cuts my healthcare.”
    4. What the author is trying to imply when he state, “there is no more we” is that people are no longer willing to work together to get things done. There has been a major separation between the two parties and each group does not have the willingness to work together and accomplish things.
    5. The five problems with our system according to the author are the excess of money in politics, gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently republican or democratic, 24/7 cable news cycle, and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.
    6. Yes, I agree with the statement that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’ because none of the parties can come to an agreement, thus making it harder for the nation to get rid of issues that may have a devastating effect on the future.

  17. Jocelyn Torres
    Period 2

    1.Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin?

    Settlers and Politicians were doing everything they could to delegitimize Rabin, who was committed to trading for peace as part of the Oslo accords. They questioned his authority and accused him of treason. The Rabin was assassinated.

    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’?

    The same thing that happened to the Rabin in Israel is now happening to Obama. Obama's life is at risk. By delegitimation, they author means that a legitimate is being suppressed.

    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?
    The poll question that was placed on facebook was “Should Obama be killed?”

    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?”

    The author means that people aren’t working together, not only in society but with politicians as well. For example, parties are divided and have different ideas of what they want and what needs to get done.

    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?

    The wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates, adding new checks on the establishment, and at its worst coarsens our debates to a whole new level, giving a new power to anonymous slanderers to send lies around the world. Finally, on top of it all, we now have a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship, all the time among our leading politicians.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?

    Yes i agree with the author that we in fact live in a 'different kind of political scene'. Throughout the years things have changed, and parties are having a more difficult time agreeing and working together.

  18. Tania Meza
    Per. 3

    1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin? (1,2)
    Extreme right-wing settlers and politicians were doing all they could to delegitimize Rabin, who was committed to trading land for peace as part of the Oslo accords. He was accused of treason, depicted as a Nazi, and had death threats shouted at him during rallies. He was assassinated in 1995.

    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’? (4)
    Obama is facing a similar situation to that of Rabin before he was assassinated and the author fears for his life. Delegimation means that Obama’s beliefs and ideas aren’t being taken seriously because of all the criticism he is receiving from the far right.

    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?(5)
    The poll questioned on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” with the answers being “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.”

    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” (6)
    The author means that there is no more “We” in American politics because as soon as a problem comes out people start blaming each other instead of working together to fix the problem.

    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    The five problems with our system are wild excess of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking, new checks on the establishment, and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship, all the time among our leading politicians.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?(12)
    I would agree with the author that we live in a “different kind of political scene” because people aren’t educated in politics and just go with the flow, being influenced with everything they read even if it’s not true, and they can never come to an agreement.

  19. Vladimir Salvador
    1.1995 the Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was interview in Israel just before he was assassinated. They questioned his authority.
    2. The author is saying that they might do the same to Obama of what happen to Yitzhak Rabin. Delegitimation means that they are not taking Obama’s idea very serious.
    3. The poll question placed on facebook that “Should Obama be killed?” The choices were: “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.”
    4. The author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics” that there is no work done.
    5. The five problems in our system are the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.
    6. I agree with the author contention that we live in a different kind of political scene.

  20. Ariana Miranda

    1. In 1995 the right -wing settlers and politicians were all questioning Robin’s authority and accusing him of treason. Robin was assassinated.

    2. The author is saying that what is happening with Obama is similar to what happened with Robin. Delegitimiation means that Obama’s ideas are not taken seriously and they are staring to be questioned.

    3. The poll placed on facebook was “Should Obama be killed?”

    4. The author says that there is no more “we” in American politics because every person on America politics is just working for their own goods and don’t care what happen to others.

    5. According to the author in paragraph eleven five problems in our system are wild excess of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking, and a blogosphere that gives a new power to anonymous slanderers to send lies around the world, and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship.

    6. I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a different kind of political scene.

  21. Blanca Ponce
    APGOPO August 28, 2011
    Period 2
    Article Questions, Where did ‘we’ go?

    1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin? (1,2)
    In Israel, right wing settlers and politicians were trying to delegitimize Rabin by questioning his authority, accusing him of treason and creating pictures depicting him as a Nazi SS police officer. Rabin was assassinated in 1995.

    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’? (4)
    The author is saying that criticism from the far right has begun tipping over into delegitimation meaning that people are starting to withdraw legitimate status or authority from Obama much like the situation that Rabin was in before his assassination. By “delegitimation” the author means that Obama’s ideas and beliefs are not being taken seriously.

    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?(5)
    The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” and the choices were No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my healthcare. This only proves as evidence to what the author is trying to convey that Obama is being delegitimized.

    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” (6)
    When the author says there is no more “we” in American politics, he means that there can’t be a “we” if we are struggling with all these problems such as the deficit, the recession, health care, climate change and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and no one is taking the initiative to unite people in order to solve these problems but instead everyone is blaming each other.

    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    The five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11 are the wild excess of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking, and a blogosphere that enriches our debates and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship, all the time among our leading politicians.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’? (12)
    I would agree with the author that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’ because of the way politics now a days delegitimize presidents.

  22. Mariella Meza

    1.Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin? (1,2)

    In 1995 Rabin was committed to trading land for peace as part of the Oslo accords, he was also threatened and accused of treason. Rabin ended up being assassinated.

    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’? (4)

    The author said that the same thing is occurring to Obama that happened to Rabin before his assassination in Israel. By delegitimation he means that the criticism from the far right is becoming more powerful with their criticism and engaging it into peoples’ beliefs.

    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?(5)

    Should Obama be killed?

    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” (6)

    When the author refers to “there is no more “we” I believe they mean in politics there is no unity in America with huge problems we cannot fix, barely manage.

    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?

    According to the author in paragraph 11 our system is making the gerrymandering of political districts by making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle. One other problem is that there is a 24/7 news cycle that create the perception of politics to be a battle of strategic thinking. There is also the excessive amount of money used in politics. We have a presidential campaign that encourages partisanship among leading politicians. Lastly, it is easy to give power to anonymous slanderers to send lies around the world.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?(12)

    I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’

  23. Melissa Aguirre
    Period 3
    August 29, 2011

    1) In 1995, extreme right-wing settlers and politicians were questioning Rabin’s authority, accusing him of treason, shouting death threats at rallies, and even depicting him as a Nazi SS officer.

    2) The author is saying that Obama is going through the same problems as Rabin did in Israel. By “delegitimation” he means that people are criticizing Obama too much and not paying attention to what he says.

    3) The poll question asked on face book is “Should Obama be killed?”. The answers were: no, maybe, yes, and yes if he cuts my health care.

    4) When the author says “there is no more we in American politics”, he means that everyone is causing the problems in the U.S. and no one wants to take the blame for it.

    5) According to the author, the 5 problems are: the wild excess of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that enriches our debates.

    6) I agree with the author that “we live in a ‘different kind of political scene”, because there are many problems in the U.S. like voting percentage is very low, where as other countries they go and vote on their own. Now with all these problems everyone just want change but they are not willing to change themselves.

  24. Jessica Arciga
    Period 2

    1.Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin?
    In 1995 extreme right-wing settlers and politicians tried to delegitimize Rabin. They questioned his authority, accused him of treason, created pictures depicting him as a Nazi SS officer, and they shouted death threats at rallies. Rabin ended up being assassinated.

    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’?
    The author is saying that criticism from the far right has begun tipping over into delegitimation and creating similar issues that occurred in Israel with Rabin. By delegitimation the author means that Obama’s authority is being diminished.

    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?
    The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?”

    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?”
    When the author says “there is no more “we” in American politics” he means that the America is no longer united in order to fix problems.

    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    The 5 problems with our system are: the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts; a 24/7 cable news cycle that overwhelms others; a blogosphere with good and bad consequences, and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?
    I would agree that we live in a different kind of political scene where a lot of conflicts come up and cannot be fixed because the government cannot seem to agree on a solution.

  25. Arnaldo Atrisco

    1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin?
    In Israel, Rabin was being criticized by right wing extremists in Israel for agreeing to the Oslo accord calling him a Nazi, accusing him of treason and shouting death threats.

    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’?
    He is saying that Obama is getting a really bad representation in the situation that he is in and that if things happened like they did in Israel that there might be an attempt on Obama’s life. By delegitimation, he means that he is not being seen as a good figure and is started to be defamed by the opposite party making him look only worse.

    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?
    Should Obama be killed?

    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?”
    It means that our government isn’t cooperating with itself and it is getting nowhere.

    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    The five problems are too much money in politics, two party system, 24/7 cable on politics, blogs and partisanship in our presidential candidates.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?(12)
    I would have to disagree because there are similar political systems in other parts of the world like Europe but we get less done in the same amount of time.

  26. Cariny Perez

    Where Did ‘We’ Go?

    1. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, of Israel was assassinated in the midst of right-wing politicians questioning his authority, openly accusing his of treason and shouting death threats. This made it justifiable, at least for a Jewish nationalist, the murderer, to think it was right to kill the Prime Minister.
    2. The author says that a parallel situation to that of Rabin is happening to Obama. His critics are no longer only criticizing but they are starting to border on delegitimizing the president, creating the same climate in Israel preceding the assassination of Rabin. By the word “delegitimation” the author means that Obama’s critics are diminishing the President’s authority.
    3. The poll question posted on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?”
    4. According to the author five problems with our system are as follows :
    The favoring of the two-party political system, 24/7 cable news, weblogs that escalate debates, the excess of money in politics and a permanent presidential campaign.
    5. I agree with the author in that we live in a whole “different kind of political scene” because with technology in the equation, politics has taken a new turn in the sense of easier campaigning to the increasingly number of internet users, and in that conflicts escalate via the “blogosphere”.

  27. Chelsey Salinas
    Period 2

    1.)In Isreal with the Rabin Administration the right-wing settlers and politicians were doing all they could to delegitimize Rabin; accused him of treason, shouted death threats and created pictures of him. Rabin then was assassinated.

    2.)The author is saying that many similar things are happening to Obama that happened to Rabin. By “delegitimation” the author is saying all of Obama’s beliefs and ideas are not being taken serious because of the criticism from the far right.

    3.)The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?”

    4.)The author is implying when he says “there is no more ‘we’ in American politics” that we can never agree what is best for everything and everyone.

    5.)The five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11 are the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.

    6.)I agree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’

  28. Peter Aguilar Per.2

    1. In 1995 extreme right settlers and politicians were questioning Rabin’s authority and doing all they could to delegitimize him. They created pictures depicting him as a Nazi SS officer, and they shouted death threats at rallies. They were all accusing him of treason and sadly it led to his assassination.
    2. The author is saying that what's happening to Obama is very similar to what happened to Rabin back in 1995. By "delegitimation", the author is implying that all of Obama's ideas and beliefs are starting to not be taken seriously because of all the criticism from the far right.
    3. The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” and the choices were: “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.”
    4. What the author means by saying “there is no more “we” in American politics” is that our government is not united and can’t move forward with many issues. There are no compromises being made and pretty much everyone just blames one another.
    5. Five problems with our system according to the author are the wild excess of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking, a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship, and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.
    6. I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a different kind of political scene.

  29. Adriana M. Rodriguez Period 2
    1.Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin? (1,2)
    In 1995, during the Rabin Administration, Israel was under chaos because many far-right politicians disagreed with Rabin’s signing of the Oslo Accords. Rabin was assassinated that same year by Yigal Amir.
    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’? (4)
    The author is saying that Obama is being “deligitimatized” by those from the far-right as it was done to Rabin in 1995. When he says “deligitimatized”, he means that they are doubting his authority and trashing his image as a leader of the country.
    3.What was the poll question placed on Facebook?(5)
    The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed: yes, maybe, no, or yes, is he cuts my healthcare?”
    4.What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” (6)
    When the author says there is no more “we” in American politics, he means that Americans disintegrate when problems arise, such as the major ones we are facing now-the war in Iraq, the recession, healthcare- a time when we need to come together and solve them.
    5.What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    The five problems in our system are the gerrymandering of political districts; various blogs where one can start a debate; a surplus of money spent on politics; 24/7 news reports on politics enticing debate, once again, which can disturb from ‘strategic thinking’; and a presidential campaign full of partisanship.
    6.Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?(12)
    I agree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’ because nowadays people obtain their beliefs and discuss them through various mediums making it difficult to have a common ground, be willing to compromise, and lose a the sense of respect for one another. People also make their decisions about their based on scandals or drama surrounding the candidate or officeholder rather than on the key issues at hand.

  30. Ashley Ochoa
    Per: 3

    1.)In 1995 extreme right-winged settlers and politicians were doing all they could to delegitimize Rabin, they were accusing him of treason and were creating pictures of him as being a Nazi SS Officer and they also shouted death threats at rallies. With them doing all this it caused for Rabin to be assassinated.

    2.)The author is saying that Obama is having similar events to what happened to Rabin all due to criticism. What the author means by delegitimation is that people now a day are not taking Obama’s ideas seriously.

    3.)The poll questions placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” and the choices where: “No, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.”

    4.)What the author means when he says that “there is no more “we” in American politics?” he is basically stating that when it comes to politics, people don’t come to an agreement on a certain issue.

    5.)The five problems with our system according to the author are the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts; making the permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.

    6.)I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene.’

  31. Alfonso Carrillo
    2nd period

    1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin?
    a. During the time period before his assassination in the year 1995, Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was going through some difficult times. Not only did his people question his AUTHORITY; they went as far AS SHOUTING death threats in political rallies. The extreme right-wing settlers and politicians did everything they could to delegitimize RABIN; they created pictures depicting him as a Nazi SS officer, and even accused him of treason.
    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’?
    a. Friedman fears that Obama is being treated quite similar to how Rabin was before he was assassinated in 1995, and that this current tension held by right-wing extremist could possibly put Obama’s life in harm’s way. What Friedman refers to as ‘delegitimation’ is the fact that right-wing extremist constantly keep trying to make Obama seem unfit to be president. According to him his beliefs and ideals are no longer being taken seriously by the people he is supposed to lead.
    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?
    a. The pole question on Facebook was “should Obama be killed”, with possible answers being “no, maybe, yes, and yes if he cuts my healthcare.
    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?”
    a. Freidman implies that the American people and politician’s wide array of believes has now divided the unity that once allowed the American people to be looked as one unit sharing common ideologies and needs. Eliminating the “we” in American politics.
    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    a. According Friedman our system is flawed. The five major problems in our system are:the wild excess of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking, and a blogosphere that gives a new power to anonymous slanderers to send lies around the world, and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship.
    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?
    a. I would have to agree with Friedman’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene, American politics are much different than they were 24 years ago.

  32. Gladys Valencia
    Period 3
    1) In 1995, the Rabin Administration was being attacked by extreme right-wing settlers and politicians who wanted to overthrow it because they thought it was act of treason to trade land for peace as part of the Oslo accords. Rabin was later assassinated in that same year.

    2) The author suggests that a similar situation is occurring with Obama as with Rabin. The significant amounts of criticism from the far right are causing great unrest. By “delegitimation” he means that Obama is not being taken seriously and his authority is being questioned.

    3) The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?”

    4) When the author says “there is no more ‘we’ in American politics” he refers to the fact that politicians are so polarized from each other, claiming either to be Republican or Democrat and arguing between each other, that we as a country can’t seem to be able to stand together anymore to face international problems.

    5) The five problems with our system are: spending too much in politics; gerrymandering political districts and removing the political middle; 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates; and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship.

    6) Would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a different kind of political scene because we can’t seem to get anything done anymore. We need change so that we can unite and come together to face our problems instead of be fighting amongst ourselves.

  33. Eduardo Lopez
    Period 2

    1. Israel was going through tough times during the Rabin administration, many right-wing settlers and politicians were deligitimizing him. They were against his views, questioned his authority, and accused him of treason. Rabin was assassinated in 1995.
    2. The author is saying that what is happening to Obama now is similar to what was happening to Rabin on the eve of his assassination. Delegitimation is, the process by which certain values, ideas and beliefs are rejected and deemed to be almost or totally unacceptable by society.
    3. The poll on Facebook asked people if they thought Obama should be assassinated.
    4. The author means that there are so many problems that there can be no more “we” because, everyone is blaming each other.
    5. The five problems with our system according to the author are “the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates; and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship, all the time among our leading politicians.”
    6. I would agree with the author that we live in a different kind of political scene, because instead of people worried about the issues they worry more about a persons personal background.

  34. Gianna Hermosillo
    period 2

    1. In 1995, the events occurring in Israel with the Rabin Administration were right-wing settlers and politicians questioning Rabin’s authority; accusing him of treason. Making pictures of him as a Nazi SS officer, and shouting death threats at his rallies; Rabin was assasinated.

    2. The author believes that the similar events that occurred to Rabin are beginning to happen to Obama, and fears for Obama's safety. By "delegitimation," he's implying that all of Obama's beliefs and ideas are starting to not be taken seriously because of all the criticism from the far right.

    3. The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” and the choiced were no, maybe, yes, and yes if he cuts my health care.

    4.When the author says “there is no more ‘we’ in American politics” he is implying that since we are facing huge issues people instead blame others and do not try to unite to solve them. Therefore it makes the situation harder for politics because no agreement can be drawn for any decision.

    5. Five factors negatively affecting America today are an excess of money, gerrymandering of political parties, a 24/7 cable news which turns politics into a battle of tactics, a blogosphere that makes it too easy for anonymous slanderers to ruin serious discussions, and a presidential campaign that encourages constant partisanship.

    6. I would agree with the author, for we live in a different kind of political scene since there has been a change in politics through the years. People are unable to agree on any of the things in politics today and that just leads to no action being taken.

  35. Victor Rosales
    Period 3

    1. Right-wing settlers where questioning Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s authority, and was being accused of treason for wanting to trade Israeli land for peace. The Prime Minister was later assassinated.
    2. The author implies that some of the things that happened to the Prime Minister are now happening to President Obama. By “delegitimation” the author means that Obama is in a way losing authority, by not being taken seriously by his counter parts.
    3. The poll question posted of Facebook asked “Should Obama be killed?”
    4. I believe the author means that the government that should be representing the people and working for the people isn’t taking into consideration the American public, when he says: “there is no more “we” in American politics.”
    5. According to the author the five problems affecting out system are the wild excess of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics, a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates, and finally we now have a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship.
    6. I agree with the author contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene'.

  36. 1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin? (1,2)
    Right-wing settlers and politicians were doing all they could to delegitimize Rabin, who was committed to trading land for peace as part of the Oslo accords. They questioned his authority. They accused him of treason. They created pictures depicting him as a Nazi SS officer, and they shouted death threats at rallies. He died shortly after Friedman was with him.
    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’? (4)
    The author is saying that what happened to Rabin is happening to obama.what he means by delegitimation’ is that people are starting to see him as a liar and don’t believe a word he says.
    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?(5)
    The poll question is “Should Obama be killed?”
    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?” (6)
    what the author means by s”there is no more “we” in America is that people are more worried about “me” and whats going to happen to “me”. There just self-centered.
    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    The five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11 are that the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or democratic and erasing the political middle, a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking, and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.

    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?(12)
    I would have to agree with the author when he states that we live in a “different kind of political scene” because now are government is divided and were not facing problems together.

  37. Elvia Velazquez
    Aug 30, 2011
    Period 2
    1. Describe what was going on in Israel with the Rabin Administration in 1995. What happened to Rabin?
    In 1995, Israel’s Rabin Administration was trading land for peace and right wing politicians did not agree with this. In response to their dissatisfaction, Rabin was threatened with his life and surely soon afterward he was assassinated.
    2. What is the author saying about what is happening to Obama? What does he mean by ‘delegitimation’?
    The author states that criticism from the far right has begun tipping over into delegitimation and creating similar issues that occurred in Israel with Rabin. By delegitimation the author means that Obama’s power is being belittled each time.
    3. What was the poll question placed on Facebook?
    The poll question was whether Obama should be killed or not.
    4. What does the author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics?”
    There is no more we in America because the citizens along with the right wing are trying to get rid of Obama.
    5. What are the five problems with our system according to the author in paragraph 11?
    The five problems with our system according to the author are that there is a 24/7 channel that broadcasts debates that overwhelm strategic thinking, a magnanimous amount of wealth in politics, gerrymandering political districts, giving power to slanders to send lies around the world, and we have a permanent presidential campaign that encourages partisanship.
    6. Would you agree or disagree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene’?
    We definitely live in a world in which there is a “different kind of political scene” due to the fact that problems are surfacing up and they cannot be dealt with in a timely fashion.

  38. Norma Tinoco
    Period 3
    Where Did ‘We’ Go?

    1. In 1995, extreme right-wing settlers and politicians were tying to do all they could to delegitimize Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel for his commitment to trading land for peace as part of the Oslo accords. After questioning his authority, they accused him of treason and created pictures depicting him as a Nazi SS officer. Unfortunately, this led the assassination of the Minister by a Jewish nationalist.
    2. The author states that a parallel—similar—situation is currently occurring in the United States with President Obama. He explains that criticism from the far right has begun to tip over into delegitimation and has started to create the same kind of atmosphere that existed in Israel years ago. By “delegitimation”, the author means that Obama’s beliefs and truthfulness are being questioned due to this criticism.
    3. The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” the options included: no, maybe, yes, and yes if he cuts my healthcare.
    4. By saying, “..there is no more ‘we’ in American politics”, the author implies that the political parties of United States are not united in resolving the issues revolving the country.
    5. According to Friedman, the five problems with our system include, the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering—“safe seats”— of political districts which are only occupied by Democrats or Republicans; a daily cable news cycle that makes politics a battle of tactics that overwhelms strategic thinking; a blogosphere that allows anonymous slanderers to send lies around the world and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship.
    6. I would have to agree with the author’s contention that we live in a “different kind of political scene”. It’s OBVIOUS.

  39. Ivan Serrano
    Period 3

    1.1995 the Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was interview in Israel just before he was assassinated. They questioned his authority.

    2. The author is saying that they might do the same to Obama of what happen to Yitzhak Rabin. Delegitimation means that they are not taking Obama’s idea very serious.

    3. The poll question placed on facebook that “Should Obama be killed?” The choices were: “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.”

    4. The author mean when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics” that there is no work done.

    5. The five problems in our system are the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates.

    6. I agree with the author contention that we live in a different kind of political scene.

  40. Bernice Arrazola

    1)In 1995 the right-wing settlers and politicians were Rabin’s authority accusing him of treason, and shouting death threats at rallies. Rabin was assassinated.
    2)The author saying that what is happening to Obama is the same kind of climate that existed in Israel that occurred to Rabin. Delegitimation means and apply on Obama’s beliefs and ideas are staring to not taken seriously of all criticism of the rights.
    3)The poll question that was posted on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” The choices were no, yes, maybe, and yes if he cuts my health care.
    4)When the author says “there is no more ‘we’ in American politics” he means that our politics no longer compromise in any of the big issues because they are so distant from each others which means that nothing is getting done. So we tend to blame others when things don’t go as planned.
    5)According to the author, the five problems with our system are the wild express of money in politics, the gerrymandering of political districts, the 24/7 cable news cycle, a blogosphere that at best enriches our debates, and a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship, all the time among our leading politicians.
    6)I would agree with the author’s contention that “ we live in a different kind of political scene”. The issues with politics never seem to be resolved as quickly as one would like. Especially since people tend to be narrow minded about certain issues and end the debate in a stalemate.

  41. Estevan Zamora
    1.In 1995, right wing settlers were questioning Rabin’s authority, actions, accused him of treason also thy put a picture of him as a Nazi soldier. This would later lead to his assassination.
    2.The author is saying that what happened to Rabin could end up happening to Obama.
    3.The poll question placed on Facebook was “Should Obama be killed?” and the options were no, maybe, yes, and yes if he cuts my health care.
    4.What the author means when he says “there is no more “we” in American politics” is that the American government is not capable of agreeing on anything anymore.
    5.Our system is making the gerrymandering of political districts by making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle. Another problem is that there is always a news cycle that create the perception of politics to be a battle of strategic thinking. There is also the excessive amount of money that is used in politics. We have a presidential campaign that makes partisanship among leading politicians. Finally anyone is allowed to have the power to send lies all over the world.
    6.I would agree with the author’s contention that we live in a ‘different kind of political scene”
