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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Monday's Sabato Quiz

Sabato T/F Quiz on Congress

1) In 2006, Democrats regained control of Congress and Nancy Pelosi was appointed Speaker of
the Senate.
2) The United States Congress is unicameral.
3) U.S. Senator George Allen lost his reelection bid in part because he referred to a volunteer
working for his opponent as ʺMacaca.ʺ
4) Every 10 years, congressional districts are redrawn to reflect changes in population.
5) No bill can become law without the consent of both houses of Congress.
6) Senators tend to be more specialized than members of the House.
7) Congress determines naturalization procedures and limits.
8) The vice president of the United States is the constitutionally designated presiding officer of
the House.
9) Newt Gingrich increased the power of the Speaker of the House.
10) Whips are congressional leaders who keep close contact with rank -and-file members and
attempt to persuade them to tow the party line.
11) The primary purpose of conference committees is to collect relevant testimony and to hold
markup sessions.
12) Members of Congress use earmarks to help support their districts and win reelection.
13) All committee chairs are selected according to seniority.
14) Committee chairs can usually kill a bill.
15) The Israeli Knesset was modeled on the U.S. Congress and operates in a nearly identical
16) House incumbents usually win reelection, while Senate incumbents usually lose their
reelection bids.
17) Women are underrepresented in the U.S. Congress.
18) Lawyers are overrepresented in Congress.
19) Since 1945, the number of women, African Americans, and Hispanics in Congress has been
gradually increasing.
20) While the public typically disapproves of Congress, they tend to approve of the member who
represents their district.
21) When making decisions about whether or not to support a bill, members of Congress are often
influenced by their partisan affiliations and their colleagues.
22) Voters overwhelming dislike divided government because it tends to result in policy gridlock.
23) Members of Congress tend to pay more attention to those who help fund their reelection
24) The Congressional Budget Office helps members of Congress by evaluating the costs and
economic effects of proposed legislation.
25) In the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Congress banned a Muslim
congressional staffers association.
26) All proposed bills must first begin in the House.
27) Congress has the ability to issue a pocket veto before a bill is sent to the president.
28) The China Trade Act of 2000 was enacted using a simple, straightforward process.
29) Because Republicans exercised the ʺnuclear option,ʺ judicial filibusters are no longer
30) Congress can halt executive activities by cutting off funds for them.
31) Under George W. Bush, presidential power has increased at the expense of Congress.
32) The War Powers Act restricts the power of Congress to wage war.
33) The Senate confirms important presidential appointments.
34) Richard Nixon is the only U.S. president to be impeached.
35) Congress can change the jurisdiction of the federal courts.


  1. What are the answers please

  2. Hello Mr Barclay, greetings from Australia , would you mind posting the answers to your interesting quiz cheers :)
