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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Model Student Answer to 2000 FRQ

A1. One problem of decentralized power that existed under the Articles of Confederation was the lack of a national currency. With no national currency, it was hard for states to trade with one another which led to tensions. People within the states also didn’t trust the value of the state’s particular currency which led to hyper-inflation in some cases.

A2. The Constitution under Article I gave Congress the power to coin money, banning the states from printing their own. This created a national currency for all states to use.

B1. Another problem of decentralized power that existed under the Articles of Confederation was that the nation lacked a strong central government. If issues or disputes arose within or between states, there was no national arbiter to settle these problems. Shay’s Rebellion was a case study in just how weak government in the United States was at that time. A group of angry farmers stormed the local government demanding back pensions and a halt to their farms being taken away due to taxes. Who could stand up to this rebellion?

B2. As the result of Shay’s Rebellion a national military was established under the Constitution that was capable of putting down any rebellion that could threaten the new republic.

C1. Another problem of decentralized power was the lack of a Chief Executive or president. Colonial shipping was openly victim to pirate attacks by both Great Britain and France. The fact that the colonies had no national leader to negotiate shipping issues and other treaties made the United States particularly weak and open to exploitation.

C2. Under Article II of the Constitution, a Chief Executive was created giving him the power to wage war and negotiate treaties as necessary. The Founding Fathers were careful not to give this leader too much power. They infused the Constitution with checks and balances to ensure that the Chief Executive would be answerable to the people.

D1. There are tensions between centralized and decentralized powers within the United States when considering the issue of gun control. In the case of Washington DC, the federal government has overruled a 20 year ban on concealed weapons, despite the DC’s desire to keep the ban in effect. The US Supreme Court citing the 2nd Amendment, overturned state law to the protestations of law enforcement agents and the district’s mayor.


  1. Jazmine Zavala P.3
    Mr. Barclay, thanks a lot for letting us make up the FRQ, this really did make my day..because i kinda dont really understand the FRQs and with this make-up im totally going to do my best and just figure it out:)thank you.

  2. this took 4everrrr to copy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. well mr i would like if you explain every single detail of this FRQs because that way we learn how write them and also we understand the info sometimes i feel cunfuse and i dont understant what you mean

  4. Eduardo Zepeda Pd5
    Thanks Mr. Barclay for posting this FRQ up. I did not understand it. Maybe
    because of my lack of paying attention in class but now after reading it
    it makes perfect sense.

  5. No worries. All I can say to the anonymous student who doesn't understand what I mean, to raise your hand during classtime if something isn't clear. I can't explain "every single detail" of the FRQ. Keep in mind this is a college-level course. When you get to the university, bigger brains than mine will be speaking a new academic language that will require from you greater concentration, harder work as well as dealing with the reality that you may not understand them on the first round. Self-study and a willingness to seek out the professor during office hours are a couple of ways to deal with a lack of clarity...

  6. Well thank you Mr Barclay for this information even thoe im not a student from your clase and school it really help me to clarify on this FRQ's question's
