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Saturday, November 21, 2009

FRQ 3 Follow Up

If you go to my web page, in the APGOPO Workspace link, you will find the Unit 3 PowerPoint. Look at the last 4 slides of the presentation. That information lays out the answer for the FRQ.

Here's some additional info on how CANDIDATES use the media during elections (to hopefully win the election)

*seeking contributions
*leaking information
*candidate creating choreographed opportunities
*use of Internet to disseminate information
*sound bites

Here's some additional info on how the MEDIA uses candidates during elections (to make money):

*talk shows/TV debates
*candidate sound bites
*convention coverage
*investigative reporting/scandals
*focus on candidate gaffes (mistakes)

I hope this is helpful...

1 comment:

  1. MR. Barclay......can you please upload chapter 10: the media questions and reading please. thank you!
