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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chapter 16.1 Pages 582 to 585

1) Who was the D.C. lobbyist who pled guiltily to conspiracy, fraud, and tax evasion in 2006?
A) Tom DeLay
B) Robert Ney
C) Conrad Burns
D) Jack Abramoff
E) Robert Putnam

2) After paying for a lobbyist, Treasure Island, Florida received a $50 million appropriation in the
federal budget. This is called
A) casework.
B) logrolling.
C) constituency service.
D) an earmark.
E) a frank.

3) Involvement in community groups and activities
A) enhances social capital.
B) fosters self-reliance.
C) hinders resolution of collective action problems.
D) enhances the Protestant work ethic.
E) hinders economic and political development.

4) To which of the following groups are contemporary citizens most likely to belong?
A) bowling leagues
B) Elks Club
C) League of Women Voters
D) Lions Club
E) community associations

5) According to disturbance theory, why do interest groups form?
A) to serve the public good
B) to promote the well being of civil servants
C) to counteract the effects of other groups
D) to bother government
E) to bolster the economy

6) What kind of interest group focuses its attention on achieving collective goods?
A) public interest groups
B) economic interest groups
C) trade association groups
D) governmental units
E) political action committees

7) Common Cause, peace groups, environmental organizations, and other such groups are
examples of ________ interest groups.
A) social capital
B) civic virtue
C) public
D) economic
E) libertarian

8) A labor union is an example of a
A) public interest group.
B) economic interest group.
C) trade association group.
D) governmental unit.
E) political action committee.

9) Governmental units typically lobby for
A) political action committees.
B) trade associations.
C) foreign aid.
E) earmarks.

10) Corporations can contribute money to political campaigns by forming
A) EIDs.
B) PACs.
C) 528 groups.
D) subsidiaries.
E) caucuses.

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