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Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Blog Entry

Hi Class,

Please take a look at my website and comment on what works for you.


Mr. Barclay


  1. Elizabeth Medina per.3 foward on get
    well hopefully this year brings a lot of fun and looking foward on getting to know more about governtment.

  2. JesusP period 2
    This website definitely will be a great help for me during the year. Not only dose it include many links for research and quizes but it also gives us an apportunity to have assignments visable in our computer and not have to depend much on our agendas(which could be lost in campus). The best accpect of the website that will help me is deffinitely the powerpoints. I'm not a good note-taker or a good lecture-follower, so this wil be great to study from.

  3. Maggiev
    This website is gana be very useful through out the year.When ever your absent you would find the notes here. The links are great also it helps you to study for tests. Powerpoints will also be a great help for the homework.

  4. Maggiev per.3
    This website is gana be very useful through out the year.When ever your absent you would find the notes here. The links are great also it helps you to study for tests. Powerpoints will also be a great help for the homework.

  5. GabrielaR per.3
    This website will help alot of us to be able to see what we need i look forward to having fun and enjoying a new year.

  6. MaricruzM P.3
    This website will be a good source that will help me to improve in this classthe powerpoints are awesome to review for test, homewook and finals...

  7. JazmineZ. P.5
    I've gone through some of the website and it seems like it will be very helpful for the students at Alisal, this is a good way for us to commuicate with you throughout the weekend, just in case we need some help. I see that with this website it will be easier for me and I'm sure for the other students.

  8. RichardT. P.5
    So far ive checked out the website and it has lots of helpful information that i can use to study once the AP test gets closer. For sure this will benefit me and other students taking this class.

  9. AnaV. P.3
    This website looks great it will help me study for tests and help me for homework. It will especially help me when the AP test gets closer.

  10. Viridiana S. P.2
    This website includes a lot of helpful information that will help me study for tests. Also having the power points on here will help me review for the A.P test once we get closer to taking it. The website is also helpful because our homework assignments may be posted on here. So now I don't have to worry about losing the little piece of paper I write the homework on (:

  11. manuel z.p.3
    I like the way you organized the whole web.It will get me concentrated in my work and informed.

  12. Manuel Z. p.3
    I like the website.I can easily go through it and be able to study

  13. Jennifer C. Per.3
    Taking a look at the website helps me feel comfortable on having an available source outside of the class. It will allow me to check out the lecture of the day as well as daily updates. I like the website and the layout of it, it will be helpful for myself and the rest of the students. As Manuel said one can easily go through it and find what they are looking for :)

  14. Quick Change, Jennifer C. Per.5 :)

  15. Melanie P. Period.3

    this website looks great.
    im super excited to learn about government.
    &it is a very easy way to find the information we need to complete the assignments for your class.
    everything we need is easy access on her &
    it seems like an awesome way to keep us motivated and try hard so we do well on the AP test(:

  16. Rosy U. per5..
    ok so i was having a hard time looking for where to comment if you know what i mean.! Well seems that everyones knows that this well help us stay on track on your class!I'm looking forward to learn more about governement 7it was really hard to decide wether i still wan t to stay in the class or not,however, im going to give it a try! :)

  17. Graciela F. per5..
    stoped by! (:

  18. Jelani C. Per.3
    The website looks great. I find it real helpful specially when im absent i could just log on and check the assignment that i missed. I like how you put the quizzes on the page they can become a real study tool.

  19. Carla G. Period 3
    Taking a look at this website and exploring it has shown me that there are a lot of useful tools we can use here. The links are helpful, and if we ever forget what homework we had its so convinient that we can just look here. The fact that the quizzes are on here is just awesome, this can let us go to old quizzes and review. Im really excited about being able to use this throughout the year, as Im sure many other students are :)

  20. Jacqueline C. Per.3
    Mr.Barclay your website is going to be helpful for the school year.Im looking forward to learn more about voting since im going to be able to vote now.Your class seems difficult but with this website its going to help me a lot like if I miss any homework assingments I know where to look and is going to help me in my test. Thank You for taking your time and doing this website for your classes. :)

  21. Pavel M. per3
    This looks like a great website.it can be really helpful if im ever absent or need an extra help with the subjects. I've never had anything like this from any teacher, so it'll be a great new method for me.

  22. Arantxa Figueroa p.3
    All I can say is this website is very helpful and I'm glad were doing this during the year, finally a way we can actually talk about what we think on a certain subject without weird looks.Its also really cool that I can look for Homework and stuff because sometimes I forget I have it! I'm looking forward to trying to pass the AP Government Test with the help of this website, thanks for taking your sweet time in creating it Mr. Barclay.

  23. Urepanny M. per.3
    This is a very helpful website. It has all of the work, tools, and quizzes we are going to be needing. In fact I feel that I dont even have to go to your class because I can learn everything from here, no im just kidding. But really if I'm ever absent this is a great way to know what I missed.

  24. Manuel(Manny)N. per.5
    All the sources that the website has is definitely going to aid me on my goal of passing the AP exam. The daily updates on assignments is going to help me keep on track on my homework and assure that I will complete each assignment. The most helpful resource, in my opinion, seems to be the links to previous AP exams. By having the exams to look at we can prepare by ourselves when May comes around. Im excited to be in your class this year.

  25. Yesenia L. Per. 5
    This website is going to be really useful through out the school year. All the daily updates on what happened during class will help us in cause we missed something during class or if we didn't understand the lesson. Also because everything we are going to be doing and the test we'll be taking are already here. So far I like it.

  26. Sandra V. per.2
    The sites looking good, its short and to the point. I do hope that you do however remind us if we need to check out the site because if not I'm pretty sure that I'll treat this like my email and check it occasionally at best. I don't want to waste such opportunistic resources that this site delivers. And now people can’t use the excuse that they weren’t in class and therefore weren’t able to do the homework, with this site the slackers will have their work cut out for them.

  27. Alejandra J. Per5
    i looked at the site and i think its going to be helpfull. Its going to help me prepare for the AP test, and with this i can stay on track

  28. Ari P.per.5
    This website looks pretty interesting and helpful. The site has many links and tools that we can use from the past school years. Its going to be very useful throughout the whole year and easy to study and aim for that four or five on the AP test.

  29. Adriana G Per:2

    I took a look at the page and i find it really useful. This website will help us, the students, get ready for the AP exam and also for the upcoming test since they are already posted up and it makes it easier for us to study and understand it better.

  30. Juan Am. P.3

    This website is going to be helpful to us because of its resources that we can use at any time not just in class. This is also going to be interesting since we are going to see the comments and entries of us throughout the school year. Thank you Mr. Barclay

  31. Kassie.F Per.2

    This website is very beneficial for myself and my classmates. I find it useful in case I am absent and the website prepares us for our future AP exam. I like the fact that it has powerpoints for studying and we can see if we have upcoming quizzes. Within this website I wouldn't have known that we have a quiz on Monday.

  32. Nathaniel D. P.2

    This website will be a great help for me during the year.I took a look at the page and I find it really useful.

  33. MelanieM per.5
    the website seems very convenient to have available as an extra reference for the class. I’m glad you have provided this source, I’m sure if we all use it wisely, it will help and prepare us to pass the AP test. I like the fact our assignment are being posted on the website, that way we will have some way to know what our assignments are in case we forget or if we are absent.

  34. Gaby P. Period 2
    A test on Monday? This website has been put together very nicely and has already proven to be helpful. The website includes useful links that will become very handy now and when the time comes to take the AP test. Now missing one day of school will not become a big hassle like it is for other class, not that I miss many days. As Sandra V. said it would be very helpful if you could give us a heads-up when important must see information will be posted on the website. Overall, this is an awesome website.

  35. Joni C. Period 5
    This website has everything available to us, it will be very helpful throughout the year. It will be easy to catch up on any missed lectures or hw assignments, a place we can rely on to have what we need. Website is also very organized. Thanks for having this available to us. The heads-up thing as Sandra and Gaby mentioned would be helpful. Thanks again.

  36. Jackie A. Period 5
    Wow the website has already proven it works! I had no idea we were having a quiz on Monday, and now thanks to this I will make sure to study. I like the fact that our homework will be posted on this. Thats great for the ones who forget to write it down or are absent. I also like the whole powerpoint idea, like Viri said that's gonna help us review for the AP test once it gets closer to the date of the test. Thank you Mr. Barclay for helping us out by creating this website. I feel I can reach you at any time :)

  37. Thalia L.Period 2
    This website seems to be very helpful. I'm glad that you created this because whenever we are absent we can just check this website and the assignments will be posted. So there's no excuse why not to do homework. This website will be very useful to all of us. Thanks Mr. B for having this.

  38. JenniferS.Per.5
    As i looked around the website, i noticed the great tools, as urepanny also mentioned, offered to all the students taking this class. I find this website to be a great idea, which i am sure is going to help everybody get that extra help they need. I think the most beneficial things will be having the homework assignments getting posted here and also having the quizzes on here.

  39. Stephanie G. per 5.
    well, like everyone else, i too think this website is helpful. glad to know i can find this information online. (&its easy to find)
    *will use this website often!


  40. Eduardo Zepeda from 5th period said.
    Well I was exploring the website and it looks like it will benefit my classmates and I. There are some great tools and links here to explore.
    As Stephanie G. Said... Glad to find the information online!

    Thank you!

  41. this website was not the easiest site to find but im glad I finally found it. History is not my strongest subject so im glad the extra help is here like the powerpoints! :)

  42. Jacky R. Period 5
    So yeah basically I didn't know we were having a test tomorrow until right now.Like some people have already said it's a good thing we have this website to inform us about anything that's coming up.Mr. Barclay I really appreciate it that you're taking your time in helping us outside of school hours.Thanks :)

  43. Alex H.Per.2

    Well surely this website has proven to be quite
    efficient for my first time using it. As jackie said, i had no clue there was a quiz this monday but through this website, i was able to find out quickly and study for it. It will make of good use throughout the year to find out what the homework is and look at the quizzes through the use of microsoft word and powerpoint.

  44. Chrsitoph D. p.3
    I checked out the website. Everything necessary for this class appears to be there. I bookmarked it already so I think I'm good for the year.

  45. Tere G. per.2
    I can kind of see that with this website it's going to help me realize when we have quizzes or tests. Also, it's really going to help me out with what we need to have done for homework. Now, I know I'll use this website more often.
    Thank you!

  46. Enrique Montano period 3
    I believe this blog is going to help me remember my hw wen i dont write it down in my agenda and my communication skills on debates will improve

  47. Mariela G. Period 3
    Well I just love that I can always check and find the assignments online just in case I don't go to class i can even see the lectures at home. This blog page is definitely a great help for me so far and its barely the beginning of the year.

  48. Gabriel J per 2
    Well this is the first that i had that requires a blog but i am glad because i think its real helpfull when we miss class. The powerpoints allows us to get ahead and also it takes over the agenda that might get lost.

  49. Jeanette R. Per. 3
    So I like this because it's up with technology, plus like everyone else said I like that I can check what the homework is when I forget it.

  50. Oscar P. Per. 3
    This website already looks really helpful. It's going to help me with a lot of things, from remembering my hw to links that can help me prepare for the AP test.

  51. Eddie M. p.5

    This website makes following up on the class a lot easier, it's good for distracted students as myself. It could also help if one were to miss a day and needed to know what they missed and have to do. I believe more teachers should use an online website to help their students plus then the students wouldnt have an excuse as in to why they didn't do the h.w. since the website says what the assignment was.

  52. Luis C. p.5

    I like the blog idea Mr. Barclay, mixing school with the modern social network, i believe more teachers should try this approach such as Eddie M. wrote in his comment. I also like the fact that you posted up the homework online, it'll come in handy to those students who may miss a day of school due to illness, because they have the opportunity to log on and check the work out, and prepare for the upcoming quiz. Keep it up!

  53. Zague V Per.2
    Hey Mr. Barclay I like the website i being going through it and like what I see this will be helpfull for when I need to see what I had for homework and study for my test.

  54. Victor G. P3
    Great website to keep me updated in case we miss something in class. I like the blog idea, as a way to share personal ideas in a topic. I am sure this will help me pass the class and the AP test.

  55. Mike W. P2
    This website is very helpful. It's taking being available to students to a whole other level because we literally now have access to you at any time or place with just one click. The workspace along with all the assignments are going to be extremely valuable and helpful.They will help me study and always know what's assigned Thank you very much.

    And you'll have to play the sax for us someday! Please

  56. Jermine R P3

    I checked the website out and I think it will be a good and easier way to find something if we are missing anything. I believe this website will be very helpful. thanks.

  57. Selene Rangel

    I like this system, it's kinda like in college where you check out the website before going to class to know what to expect.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I believe that through this amazing website we will be able to enable many of our thoughts, beliefs, concerns and much more. Unfortunelly we have such limited time during class and this makes it hard for us to gather much of the information we should be getting and through this website we will be able to do so. Something that will be much help not only to me but to my classmates as well will definitely be the notes and the quizzes that are given to us in advance. Through this we will be able to study and be prepared for the quiz the day given to us. If we are absent we won’t be so far behind because all the information will be given to us through this website. I really like this whole idea of blogging it’s just such a great way to express our beliefs and actually be able to see what others think. I am really looking forward to taking this class i know that i will learn a lot and be more stable in to what my political beliefs are.

  60. The website looks really helpful. I like the idea that you let us know quizzes in advance and also provide extra help in this website.It looks pretty interesting and it helps us students interact with the instructor outside of class. I hope this school year runs smoothly and I am really looking forward to learning new things in your class. pd.2

  61. Holy cow, these practice quizzes you post Mr. Barclay are overwhelmingly helpful. They really help clarify and condense reading assignments to a point where I can remember and understand the material. Thanks much.

  62. Karina Gonzalez per.5
    I really find this website helpful, I'm a new addition to the class and this page provides me with the material I need to catch up on. It will definitely help me get and stay on track.

  63. Lizette Rosales Per. 5
    i think this website is going to be really helpful and i appreciate that.

  64. Rafael Ramirez Per.2
    I like how you tell us ahead of time what we're going to do the next day like when we have a quiz. That way i have time to study and i can also catch up if im absent.
