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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Check This Article Out and Comment on It....


The link above is to an article in this Sunday's New York Times based on last year's US Supreme Court Citizen's United Case. Read the article and comment on the post. Are Corporate Donation's a First Amendment Right?


  1. Adolfo B Pd.5

    i think everryone has the choice to do whatever they want with their money.

  2. Even corporations (such as a CO2 belching factory) who "buy off" politicians to vote a particular way or threaten to support their opponent with money?

  3. I think buying off political figures/campaigns is just not right. Even if it falls under the free speech article. It's illegal to buy off a judge, so why not politicians? bear with me here, this is a noob's POV after all.

  4. Maricruz Marquez P3

    This is a free country I think people have a right to do whatever they want with their money. If they recive the money is because they deserve it.

  5. Griselda Fernandez period 5
    I agree...we live in a free country, and deserve the right to do whatever we want with our money.

  6. Jameson M. Period 5

    Corporation donations are protected by the First amendment. Any attempt to infringe on that right would be a violation of free speech. The money that the corporations donate is theirs and they are free to do what they want with it.
