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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

2002 Sample Response on Social Policy: Due Tomorrow in Class

This Answer Earned Full Credit on the Exam in 2002

A) The figure shows that, since 1965, the government has decreased its spending on benefits for children while increasing these for the elderly. In 1965, about 37% of welfare spending was spent on children which decreased to less than 25% by 1985. In contrast, the elderly received 21% of benefits in 1965 which increased to 33% in 1985.

B) Two main factors explain this trend. First is the growing population of older people. While it has not yet peaked, it has definitely been expanding. Second is that the elderly have a much larger say in government than children. The elderly vote in high numbers while children cannot vote and their younger parents vote less than the elderly. The elderly also have political action committees to promote their causes while children don't.

C) Because elderly people vote more and are increasing in size, representatives pay more attention to what the elderly want since representatives know they need the support of the elderly to be re-elected. Political activism causes the concerns of the elderly to be heard more, so politicians spend more money on the elderly to make them happy. This money has to come from someplace so so cuts are made from programs of less vocal people like children. Also, even if the government was not increasing the amount of benefits per person, the number of elderly persons is going up, so spending would increase on them, while children in comparison, have not been expanding as fast in the general p0pulation.

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